A blog by writers and artisans who meet weekly in Solon Springs near the shores of the upper St. Croix in the sublime Wisconsin north woods.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Cultivating the Write Stuff

Just posted this over at my website ~

It’s Monday. Not a momentous event in and of itself, but there were moments over the weekend I wondered if I’d make it here.
To be honest, in fifteen minutes it will no longer be morning. I’ve had my coffee, I’ve eaten breakfast and even had a little protein snack, but I’m still in my robe, slogging around my house in my pink fuzzy slippers, feeling half brain-dead and jonesing for a nap like a lazy cat crossing a sunbeam.
I’m coming off of a lost weekend, as hungover-useless as any morning after a night of drinking too many tequila shooters and dancing on pool tables ever left me (yes there are pictures, no I won’t post them). I didn’t drink my way here and by lost weekend I don’t mean I have no recollection of events. On the contrary, if the memory of the past 48 hours wasn’t etched into my brain (and every muscle of my body) I’d swear I had an intimate encounter with the grill of a fast moving Mac truck.
(Click to read full post)

Thursday, May 18, 2017

It's Tick Season! Learn the Tick Tuck Rap with Thomas Wayne King

It's tick season here in northern Wisconsin, where we have to take extra precautions against those sneaky little critters in order to prevent getting Lyme or other tick borne illnesses. Join Tom today and learn all about a great way to do that!

Tick Tuck Rap

Tom is a long time member of the St. Croix Writers group. He is reading today from his book Sailor of the Sun - Tales from the Red Pump, Volume 2. Its a book of raps, rhymes, verses, lyrics, and songs inspired by the pristine, wild Lake Superior region -- what Tom calls "Authentic Northland".

Don't forget to tuck!~